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In the Bar-Lev Industrial Zone, GMP & GLP setting up laboratories

In the Bar-Lev Industrial Zone, GMP & GLP setting up laboratories
In the Bar-Lev Industrial Zone, GMP & GLP setting up laboratories20190221_17582720190310_18360220190326_11090920190326_11101920190416_07164920190522_123925
The project included:
Designing and setting up microbiology labs, clean rooms to B, C & D grade levels of cleanliness, testing and preparation labs, process development and quality control labs, storerooms, cold rooms and supplementary offices for lab staff.

In the photographs:
In the vicinity of the lab. The photograph shows the lab located in a D-grade clean room and labs for undertaking microbiological testing that are not defined as a “clean room”. Designed lab furniture according to the work requirements - all of the shelves of the central units were assembled using a method allowing a change in shelf angle while adapting to designated lab equipment storage containers. Also shown are the B-grade clean rooms’ ceilings with distribution of filters and integrated lighting, two-level active PT systems to various levels of cleanliness depending upon the rooms in which they were assembled.

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