Clean rooms - design

Rotem Technologies is an expert in the design and setting up of clean rooms. We design clean rooms for start-ups operating in various fields, and design clean rooms for companies involved in the chemical and biochemical industries. We design clean rooms and sterile or isolated growing rooms for agro-biotech and clean rooms for companies producing medical products. We design clean rooms for biotechnology companies, electronics production factories, for laboratories and factories that produce medical accessories and for a wide range of other fields that require working in clean rooms.

When designing clean rooms, Rotem Technologies adapts to the criteria deriving from laws and regulations, standards, procedures, examination methods and the type of work that is customary in clean rooms both in Israel and abroad.

The design of clean rooms is based on conceptualizing and accurately adapting it to the purpose. Rotem Technologies makes it a point of understanding the work process to be conducted in the clean room while considering each specific sector, whether it will involve manufacturing, medical treatments or research, all with an emphasis on the relevant standards, the specific regulations for that sector, and keeping within the clean room’s set-up budget. 

In designing clean rooms, we place emphasis on understanding the production process and the required levels of cleanliness. Furthermore, we consider differences in clean room pressure, humidity and temperature while adapting the raw materials and the systems to every industrial sector or R&D operating in clean rooms.

For clean rooms, placing an emphasis on the occupational health and safety that is characteristic for each clean room and for every sector whose workers are in clean rooms while ensuring their design accurately and safely owing to the essential differences there are between one clean room and another. The great experience we have accumulated over the years in the field of designing and setting up labs and clean rooms contributes to our being able to provide solutions and select the most suitable means of protection for the various levels of risk required in each clean room.

In the field of clean rooms, sometimes we encounter a complex of clean rooms where in the first they work on bacteria that are liable to endanger the worker and the product upon which he is working. In the second they may be dealing with cells that are not dangerous to the employee but the employee is liable to pollute the product itself upon which he is working. In the third the worker is liable to pollute the material he is working on and the material is liable to harm him.

In the main, in the field of clean rooms for the electronics industry, there is a lower safety risk for workers than in the field of clean rooms in the chemicals and biological industries. However, clean rooms in the electronics industry are usually set up for a higher degree of cleanliness. Clean rooms in the chemical industries, including clean rooms in which the raw materials involve powders in part of the production process, the risk of cross-infection of the powder must be prevented. These clean rooms are sometimes manufactured with an essential change in pressure differential when designing a clean room in between two production zones where the middle room is at a positive or negative pressure as compared with the room in front of it and the room behind it. For example: (+ / - / +) or (- / + / -). In this method, the middle clean room is known as the “stopper”.

Therefore, the level of risk and the nature of the work constitute a central parameter in designing chemical clean rooms. In designing clean rooms, sometimes one must use chemical hoods.

Chemical hoods in clean rooms significantly influence the pressure differentials. In some clean rooms with chemical hoods installed that have an air compensation system, it is possible to ensure that the air, that so many resources have been invested into, will not be “thrown out” of the clean rooms and out of the building.

There are clean rooms in which it is possible to replace chemical hoods with glove chambers or with chemical hoods employing active charcoal and thereafter filtered using an integral HEPA filter.

In designing safety hoods/cabinets in clean rooms, we place emphasis on the efficiency of the airflow that ensures working correctly with chemical substances. We attempt to recycle the chemically polluted air using various methods, with each and every method adapted to the specific activity within the complex of clean rooms. When Rotem Technologies Engineering designs clean rooms, emphasis is placed on the construction of the clean rooms and the materials they are built of. We consider it important to adapt the types of raw materials to the type of clean room and the character of the work to be carried out in it, all of which is in accordance with the relevant standards, work efficiency, safety, and keeping to the budget.

In designing biological and chemical clean rooms for the pharmaceutical industries, we have to integrate smooth finish materials as far as possible, that are resistant to sterilizing and cleaning materials, such as HPL, high quality stainless steel, aluminum, etc.

When designing clean rooms for the electronics industries and for medical instruments, we usually combine materials such as galvanized metal that has been painted using oven-treated epoxy paint, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.

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