Pathology safety hoods/cabinets

About 25 years ago the director of Ichliov Hospital’s Pathology Department approached us with a request to design the hospital’s pathology labs.

As their work is to identify growths and involved working with unpleasant daily contact with body parts, she wanted to change for the better what had been customary practice in pathology labs and also to incorporate lab furniture, chemical hoods and active ventilation systems that were not usual in pathology labs at the time.

We designed a system of pathology safety hoods/cabinets that in practice are chemical safety hoods that allow safe working according to Israel Standard 1839 despite the fact that in those years there was no Israel Standard for chemical safety hoods.

The pathology safety hoods/cabinets were designed and constructed ergonomically with maximum flexibility between the work stations in the pathology safety hoods/cabinets and the work benches according to all of the safety standards required.

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