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  4. Setting up clean rooms

Construction of clean room in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Construction of clean room in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Construction of clean room in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.חדר נקיחדר נקיחדר נקיחדר נקיחדר נקי

The project included:

Upgrading a clean room that includes increasing the installation and preparation of the room for the reception of an "ARPES" ​​device and related equipment. In fact, a general dismantling and "almost" reconstruction of the clean room.

Our challenge:

Adapting a room built for other purposes to a clean room, which allows for comfortable work on the "ARPES" ​​device at a height of  4.5 m, including adjusting the supplies and all the machines that support the new redesign, making maximum use of the existing one as possible.

In the pictures:

The process of building the clean room and preparing for the installation of the device.

Including making all the necessary preparations for the clean room, until the day before inserting the device into the room (which does not yet appear in the photos).

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